How to make the world better with Java ( SpringOne Platform 2016 )

I joined SpringOne Platform 2016 last week. It was really great experience for me. I would like to write some comments for myself.

Theme: How to make the world better with Java

Initially I imagined that the main theme of the conference was "Spring Framework", but when the time table was open I felt that it's a kind of "Pivotal conference", because there're many DevOps and CloudFoundry topics. But I was wrong. Now I'm convinced that the theme was "How to make the world better with Java". Pivotal is just supporting the theme by Pivotal's way. It was impressive to hear "It's not Pivotal pushing Spring, it's Spring pushing Pivotal".

Better World <-(want to make)- Java Community <-(support)- Spring Community <-(support)- Pivotal

Ignite Talk

I had a Ignite Talk. I was very nervous, but it was a great experience for me.


  • Technology
    • Cloud environment -> Cloud Native App with Spring Boot
    • Microservices -> Spring Cloud
    • Data Microservices -> Spring Cloud Data Flow
    • Resource Efficient Programming -> Reactor / Spring5 / Reactive Programming
  • Company Culture
  • Platform
    • Pivotal Cloud Foundry

What I would like to do in this year

My goal is to make a service that can survive for 10 years while adapting to changes and speeding up the development. So I will try to create a private app with Spring Cloud + DDD + CQRS. I'm also interested in creating app with Docker on Azure.

The most important part: English

I managed to be able to understand presentation English, but couldn't understand usual conversation at all. The better my English become, the larger my world becomes. I would like to start from improving my listening skill.


  • Technology
    • Understand Spring Integration/Spring Cloud Stream with Kafka
    • Understand Project Reactor
    • Try Spring Cloud Data Flow
    • Try Apache Geode
    • Try Hazelcast
  • English
    • Watch American TV shows/Movies everyday
    • Write blog and twitter in English as much as possible
  • Health
    • Jog to be healthy programmer 2,3 times in a week (I'm getting bigger recently...


I appreciate everyone who supported me. I hope to join it as a speaker next year:)