I tried Kafka with Avro on Spring Boot in the previous blog post(Japanese).
Then this time, I tried to use multiple Avro schema in one topic.
The source code
"tweet.avsc" is the schema file which I used in the previous post.
{ "name": "Tweet", "type": "record", "fields": [ {"name": "id", "type": "long"}, {"name": "text", "type": "string"} ] }
Then, I added another schema file "different-schema.avsc"
{ "name": "DifferentSchema", "type": "record", "fields": [ {"name": "id2", "type": "long"}, {"name": "createdAt", "type": "string"}, {"name": "text2", "type": "string"} ] }
(Please note that I don't think about Schema Evolution yet, because it's still early for me to think about it.)
Modify Serializer
I found that KafkaAvroSerializer uses the topic name for the schema registration key. Because I want to try multiple schema in one topic, I created KafkaAvroSerializerWithSchemaName to use the schema fullname for registering schema.
@Override public byte[] serialize(String topic, Object record) { return serializeImpl(getSchema(record).getFullName(), record); }
In addition, I changed Serde for KStream to use KafkaAvroSerializerWithSchemaName for serialization.
Finally, I have multiple schemas in one topic :)
This time I tried "schema-registry-ui" and "kafka-topics-ui" which are pretty nice web UI provided by Landoop( http://www.landoop.com/kafka/kafka-tools/ ) under BSL license( http://www.landoop.com/bsl/ ).
Schema Registry UI
To enable CORS accessing from other docker instance, I added "access.control.allow.methods" and "access.control.allow.origin" to the schema registry.
docker run -d --net=host --name=schema-registry \ -e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_KAFKASTORE_CONNECTION_URL=localhost:2181 \ -e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST_NAME=localhost \ -e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_DEBUG=true \ -e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS=GET,POST,PUT,OPTIONS \ -e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN=* \ confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:3.2.1
Then run schema-regisry-ui.
docker run -d --rm -p 7000:8000 \ -e "SCHEMAREGISTRY_URL=" \ landoop/schema-registry-ui
Now I can see schemas like this:
Kafka Topic UI
To use Kafka Topic UI, I need to run Kafka Rest Proxy.
docker run -d \ --net=host \ --name=kafka-rest \ -e KAFKA_REST_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=localhost:2181 \ -e KAFKA_REST_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL=http://localhost:8081 \ -e KAFKA_REST_HOST_NAME=localhost \ -e KAFKA_REST_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN=* \ -e KAFKA_REST_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS=GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS \ confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:3.2.1
Then run kafka-topics-ui.
docker run --rm -it -p 7001:8000 \ -e "KAFKA_REST_PROXY_URL=" \ landoop/kafka-topics-ui
It's fun!