You can use nl2br:text="${sample}"
attribute, which firstly escapes the HTML special characters in the input text, then inserts <br />
tags before newlines.
I wanted to show a multiple lines input with <br />
tag for the newlines. There’re several ways to realize it: using th:utext
after converting newlines to <br />
, or having lines as list then using th:block
with th:each
. But I don’t want to allow other html tags, nor to write th:block
with th:each
many times. Finally, I decided to create it.
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.bufferings</groupId> <artifactId>thymeleaf-extras-nl2br</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </dependency>
templateEngine.addDialect(new Nl2brDialect());
or if your application is Spring Boot application, you can add the dialect like this:
@Bean public Nl2brDialect dialect() { return new Nl2brDialect(); }
Then you can use nl2br:text
attribute like this:
<p nl2br:text="${sample}">Hello!</p>
If you want to stop your IDE’s warning, you can add xmlns attribute like this:
<html lang="en" xmlns="" xmlns:th="" xmlns:nl2br="">
Example Project
hope this serves someone :)