The Power of Lazy Engineers: Mitsuyuki Shiiba [RTC 2015 Osaka Satellite]

Rakuten Technology Conference 2015 Osaka Satellite

Rakuten Technology Conference 2015 will be held at Futako Tamagawa Rakuten Crimson House on Nov. 21st, inviting a variety of top-class speakers. There are so many great sessions.

And we will hold Osaka Satellite this year, too. We're so excited to see you at Rakuten Osaka Cafeteria. Please register and enjoy the satellite together eating snacks. Of course, let's enjoy beer bash as well!

(14:00-14:20) The Power of Lazy Engineers: Mitsuyuki Shiiba


Change the laziness to your gold.
This year, we've got many DevOps sessions in TechConf. Mitsuyuki Shiiba located in Osaka working for Rakuten ICHIBA will talk about the secret recipe that engineer can utilize their laziness or characteristics to be kind of reluctant as a weapon so to bring the change to the team or the company.
Shiiba has more than 5 year first-hand experience on Scrum development and DevOps and he has invented the effective way in actual projects practically. We recommend engineers working in actual development projects and managers who want to form the strong team.

今年の楽天テックカンファは、DevOps の話題も豊富です。楽天市場で大阪を拠点に活動する 椎葉 光行 が、エンジニアがLazyであること、つまりある種の面倒くさがりな性格を逆に武器とし、いかにチームや会社に変化をもたらすかについて語ります。
椎葉は、5年以上のスクラムとDevOps の実践経験を有し、実際に効果的な開発手法を現場にて編み出し続けています。現場で戦うエンジニアの方、また強いチームを作りたいマネージャーの方におすすめのセッションです。


Go Register!!

Rakuten Technology Conference 2015 Tickets
