テックカンファ大阪サテライト 続報! #rakutentech




14:00-14:45 の枠を調整中でしたが。 Jim Copeのセッションをサテライトすることに決定しました!(∩´∀`)∩ワーイ。彼に言わせると、僕みたいに大阪リモートで、しかもJIRAを使ってスクラム開発してるなんて「バカなの?」って感じなんだと思うけど。そういうストレートなところが気持ち良くて僕は好きで、今回のセッションもそんな感じで面白そうです!

Speakers: Rakuten Technology Conference 2014


Why Most Unit Testing is Waste
14:00 - 14:45 / Track F / 13F Cafeteria
Automated unit testing is one of the most popular tools of agile development. While unit tests made sense in the days when a testable unit (a function) was derived from a requirement, they don't make sense in an agile OO world. Yet we continue to use them, partly out of habit, and partly because they're easy and simply because we can, rather than because we should. Many unit tests have no business value and quite a few actually have negative business value. Automation removes the human from the loop; even Toyota is replacing its robots with people to restore learning to the work cell. Instead of unit tests, great products apply the same principles to defensive programming: effectively deliver the tests with the code.




10:30 OPEN
11:00-11:45 [Osaka] Osaka Welcome Workshop
12:00-12:45 Let's invent future Satoshi Nakajima
13:00-13:45 Keynote Speech Hiroshi Mikitani
14:00-14:45 Why Most Unit Testing is Waste Jim Coplien
15:00-15:45 Yukihiro Matsumoto
16:00-16:45 [Osaka] Introducing Selenium2 WebDriver Ryuji Tamagawa
17:00-18:30 プチビアバッシュ+楽天大阪の開発部スタッフによるLT
18:30 CLOSE


申し込みはこちらから: Rakuten Technology Conference 2014|EventRegist